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Elizabeth Slamka


Why are you seeking office? 

I grew up in my family’s beloved, local business and I am deeply invested in our city. Middletown at one point was officially declared an “All American City” by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Unfortunately, in the last few decades, Middletown has lost that distinction. I believe that a new generation of leaders can return Middletown to its former status as one of the most dynamic and livable cities in the Midwest. I have done my homework, spoken extensively to city business leaders and school officials, and listened closely to our residents to better understand the issues that must be addressed to move Middletown forward. I have the leadership skills, a lifetime of involvement in our community, and the business experience to get the job done. 

Why should voters elect you as the best choice? 

It is time for a change, a new vision, a new approach, and a new era of leadership. As Mayor, I will work with the city’s key institutions to expand our existing relationships and best serve the citizens who have elected me. It is very important to me that everyone at the table be acknowledged, and I take the time to do this. I truly believe in the people of Middletown and understand that when we choose to work together and listen to each other we can move Middletown forward in every way. It is time for better accountability and new solutions to old problems. I bring that solution. 

If elected, what will be your top three priorities?

A Mayor’s job is to be the voice of the citizens and work with all parties that contribute to the quality of life in a city. A mayor is elected by the people to work with their city council representatives towards finding solutions that address a community’s needs and to maintain and improve the city’s quality of life. My priorities are to strengthen our fire and police departments, to work with the private sector to better support existing businesses and explore new economic opportunities, while meeting our obligations to work together with the whole community, because civic pride starts at home. 

What specific plans do you have to address those priorities? 

Middletown is struggling to maintain our first-class fire and police force to better serve our city because we are not as competitive with salaries and benefits as neighboring communities. We not only need to improve this, but we need to provide the very elements that lead people to move their families to our community; good jobs, good schools, great futures.  

I believe in fostering an attractive business environment that builds and supports a thriving community. Success will be better achieved by addressing the challenges that successful companies face; a requirement to better prosper in our community. As a leader, I recognize the importance of working with the city’s Department of Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce in addition to implementing new and innovative economic opportunities.  

Civic pride starts at home and in our neighborhoods. I want to be proud of my community, which is why I “paint my house and plant my flowers,” so, when people drive by, they say, “What a nice-looking home.” I want the people who live and visit here to feel the same way about our city. What will this take? It will take leading with integrity and serving with accountability. 

Is there anything else voters should know about you? 

As a city we must realize that Middletown’s demographics are evolving. I have always called Middletown a “steel town meets international arts community,” and Middfest represented that. We are a multicultural city with many residents from all over the world. My ability to speak Spanish will serve Middletown well because with these new voices come new challenges that require the skilled leadership that I am prepared to provide. I have lived and worked abroad, traveled to 21 countries, and understand how business is done both nationally and internationally. 

Education, degrees, schools attended: 

Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio — Graduate Studies in Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) 

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, cum laude (with honors)— Bachelor of Arts, Communication Sciences, Bachelor of Arts, Spanish, Minor, The History of Technology and Science  

Continued Education with Landmark Worldwide, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—  Curriculum for Living: The Landmark Forum, The Advanced Course, The Self- Expression Leadership Program  The Introduction Leaders Program, Communication Courses: Access to Power; The Advanced Communication Course: The Power to Create, The Team Management and Leadership Program  Direct Access  Excellence in the Zone Seminar, The Landmark Forum in Action Seminar, Success Seminar 

ITC International TEFL Certificate, Madrid, Spain — TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Certificate 

Middletown Leadership Course, Middletown, Ohio — Community Leadership Course Certificate 

Professional employment: 

Central Pastry Shop; Middletown, Ohio — 1984 - Present  

Family business: Managing (front, back, and office), hiring, training, public relations, finance, inventory, all aspects of business production. 

Consulting work for The Coalition for a Healthy Middletown (under The Safety Council of Southwest Ohio), Middletown, Ohio — 2022 

Assistant Director of Admissions, The Art Institute of Philadelphia; Philadelphia, Pa. 2008 – 2014 

Library Assistant, Information Desk, Middletown Public Library; Middletown, Ohio — 2007 

Head English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Instructor, Europa Centro de Lenguas (The European Center of Languages); Sevilla, Spain — 2003-2004 

Bishop Fenwick High School, Spanish Teacher — 2001-2002 

Community organizations, boards, prior elected offices: 

Middletown Leadership Program graduate (2005) 

Middfest International (1990s-complete) 

DMI map project (2016) 

Director of DMI Board (2019-2022) 

Middletown Holiday Whopla Committee (2021-2022) 

Steering committee for Port Middletown Arts & Music Festival (2022) 

Member of Middletown’s Unhoused Action Circle (2022- present) 

Butler County Homelessness Workgroup (2023) 


Born and Raised, Always Middletown!

Friends of  Elizabeth Slamka
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