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I care so much about Middletown, Ohio and that is why I am running for Mayor. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to grow up in this unique city with the amazing people here. Middletown is the “Steel Town meets International Arts Community” and there is no place like it on Earth.  

Middletown has a special place in my heart because it is where my family is... and it is where my story begins. My mother, who is originally from Colombia, South America, was living and working in New York City, and through a mutual friend, she met my father who happened to be working for Armco International in New York City at that time. After a three-year transfer to Houston, Texas, and the layoffs that followed, the Armco connection led them back to Middletown, my father’s hometown. They returned here to live my mother’s dream and became the proud owners of Central Pastry Shop, a beloved Middletown business, which remains in our family today. 

I am the second of their three daughters, and I was born and raised in Middletown.  Although my education, community service, and world-wide life experiences are extensive, it is living and working in downtown Middletown that has allowed me to make connections with neighbors and community partners. I truly believe that this is the right time for me to seek the office of Mayor. I know Middletown, I love Middletown, and I am deeply invested in Middletown's future. 

In everything I do, I believe in connecting with people and hearing from those who wish to be heard.  It is very important to me that everyone at the table be acknowledged, and I take the time to do this. I believe in the people of Middletown and that, when we choose to work together and listen and connect, we can move this city forward in every way and in every department. 

I want to connect the city, the region, and the state so we can grow in a positive direction. I envision a Middletown where people are flourishing, doing what they love, and excited to wake up every day to do their work and live their lives.  I see Middletown so welcoming, so energized, safe, and profitable, that people and businesses move here because they want that experience, too.  My ideal is a Middletown that people move home to, even after they leave for school or travel or marriage. 

We are not quite there yet, but we could be. I want to help the city make those connections, truly communicate, and move forward in a positive direction.  I want to listen to the residents and work together to make things happen.  As mayor, I will create safe spaces for ideas, brainstorming, and home-grown enthusiasm.  There are many good people and great minds in Middletown, and I want to bring forward the ideas that will benefit our great city.   

I believe that we can revitalize downtown Middletown, improve the housing stock in our various neighborhoods, respect the historic ones, support our schools, and help our well-loved businesses flourish while also opening the door for new employers. In short, I want to create a path for Middletownians to thrive.  

I am asking for you to believe in my vision, my heartfelt love of Middletown, and my promise to move Middletown forward.  

I humbly ask for your vote this November 7th as I seek the office of Mayor of Middletown, Ohio. 

With sincere appreciation,

Elizabeth Slamka


Born and Raised, Always Middletown!

Friends of  Elizabeth Slamka
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