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Endorse Elizabeth Slamka for Mayor

Dear Friend,

For me, there is no place like Middletown.  As a child and through my adult years, Middfest was my favorite time of year in Middletown.  Even after living in Cleveland, Spain, and Philadelphia, I kept my roots here, knowing my hometown is the place to which I will always belong. 

I have been involved in the community at many levels over the years through Central Pastry, DMI Downtown Middletown Inc., the Middletown Department of Health's Action Circles, and countless community events. I truly believe that this is the right time for me to seek the office of Mayor. I know Middletown, I love Middletown, and I am deeply invested in Middletown's future.

If you know me, if you've worked with me, if you believe in the same things I believe in, I hope you to take this opportunity to endorse my candidacy for Mayor. It means a lot for me to be able to say that the citizens of Middletown are behind me. 

Kindly use the form below to add your name to the list of people supporting my campaign. 

Thank you,


Friends of  Elizabeth Slamka
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