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Monday, October 30, 2023 7:00 AM

ELECTION 2023: Two longtime residents vying for Middletown’s mayor seat

October 29, 2023, Middletown, Ohio - Throughout her many years volunteering in the community at MiddFest, Downtown Middletown Inc. and Holiday Whopla, Slamka preferred to stay in the background, away from the public eye.

That all has changed during her campaign to be Middletown’s next mayor. Her face is splashed on billboards throughout the city, she has attended campaign events and spent hours campaigning door-to-door.

If she wants to win, she has to get her name, face and message before voters, she said.

Before she pulled her petition, she looked at the qualifications for city council and mayor. She chose to run for mayor.

“I have the skills that are needed,” she said. “I can lead Middletown forward. I truly believe that this is the right time for me to seek the office of mayor. I know Middletown. I love Middletown, and I am deeply invested in Middletown’s future.”

While talking to residents, she has learned that people want reduced speeds on the roads; beautified city gateways and parks; more businesses downtown and on the East End; and activities for youth and adults.

“A clean and cared for city sends the right message — not only do we care for our city but we also care for the people who live here,” she said.

She also has been active trying to address homelessness, one of the most debated topics in the city. Since January 2022, Slamka has participated in town halls, community meeting and met with city and county officials.

The city needs to reduce of homeless living in camps, provide wrap-around services, create a short- and long-term solutions.

“I believe that we can revitalize downtown Middletown, improve the housing stock in our various neighborhoods, respect the historic ones, support our schools, and help our well-loved businesses flourish while also opening the door for new employers.” she said

Link to article at The Journal-News

Monday, September 25, 2023 2:00 PM

Elizabeth Slamka Endorsed by Bengals Great, Carl Pickens

Carl Pickens with Elizabeth and Vera Slamka 

September 25, 2023, MIDDLETOWN — Elizabeth Slamka received an endorsement from Veteran Bengals wide receiver, Carl Pickens. Visiting Cincinnati for the Bengals and Rams game on Monday Night Football, Pickens detoured to visit Central Pastry Shop to meet Elizabeth. He will return to support Elizabeth in her campaign for Mayor, as the special guest at a meet and greet scheduled for October 19, 2023 at the Robert "Sonny" Hill Community Center. The event is open to the general public. 


Carl Pickens is a former professional football player in the NFL known for playing the position of wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals. In his nine NFL seasons, Pickens recorded 540 receptions for 7,129 yards and 63 touchdowns, while also gaining another 307 yards and one touchdown on punt returns. 

Friday, September 22, 2023 7:00 AM

Middletown council candidates talk about best ways to move city forward Six candidates running for two seats; two candidates running for mayor.

Seven candidates for Middletown City Council attended a forum Wednesday night in Council Chambers. From left, write-in candidate Kristi Asbury, Clayton Castle, John Ferrando, mayor candidates Joe Mulligan and Elizabeth Slamka, and Jeffrey Wellbaum and Steven West II. Jennifer Burg-Carter was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict. Journal-News reporter Michael Pitman served as moderator. RICK McCRABB/STAFF

MIDDLETOWN — The face of Middletown City Council is about to change, and for the first time residents heard from most of the candidates.

There are six people running for the two council seats vacated after Vice Mayor Monica Thomas and longtime council member Tal Moon chose not to seek re-election.

Two people are running to be Middletown’s newest mayor after Mayor Nicole Condrey decided not to run after one term.

On Wednesday night, seven of the eight candidates attended a forum sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce serving Middletown, Monroe and Trenton. Jennifer Burg-Carter was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict, according to Rick Pearce, chamber president.

The candidates were asked numerous questions by moderator Michael Pitman, a Journal-News reporter. The questions were formulated by the chamber’s Government Relations Committee based on Middletown issues, Pearce said.

Each of the candidates made strong pitches as to why they deserve support Nov. 7 from voters.

Read the article in The Journal-News

Wednesday, August 30, 2023 2:30 PM

Elizabeth Slamka Attends Serve City Presentation Before State Senator George Lang and Representative Sara Carruthers

(Pictured from left to right: Serve City Executive Director Tammi Ector, Middletown Mayoral Candidate Elizabeth Slamka, and Butler County Commissioner Cindy Carpenter)

Serve City Executive Director, Tammi Ector, recently had the privilege to present before State Senator George Lang and Representative Sara Carruthers on Monday to address the need for additional funding to combat the issue of homelessness here locally. In the aftermath of the meeting, Serve City wishes to provide this official statement:

"As Homeless Work Group co-chairs, Commissioner Carpenter, Dr. Rasmus, and I welcomed the opportunity to present to Senator Lang. We designed a data-driven, solution-focused presentation entitled "Help Butler County's Homeless Stabilize and Butler County's Businesses Will Thrive". It spoke to many of the community's concerns. And while we recognize the problems homelessness presents will never go away completely, if we take steps to address what we can - building capacity - we expect to reduce the issues, not increase them.
Leadership analytics and data around the issue serve three purposes: describing what is happening with people experiencing homelessness, predicting what will happen with people experiencing homelessness, and prescribing what needs to happen with people experiencing homelessness. Senator Lang requested additional data. According to Serve City's Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data, 86% of those we serve are Butler County residents. We look forward to using this and other statistics to make solution-focused, strategic, data-driven decisions, including meeting the need for 150 additional PSH units, to help Butler County's homeless citizens stabilize and its businesses thrive".
Read the article in The Journal-News

Monday, July 24, 2023 5:15 PM

Campaign Fundraiser at the Windamere

July 20, 2023, Middletown, Ohio - Today marked the first official event of the Slamka campaign.  The Windamere event center hosted a fundraising reception for Elizabeth Slamka for Mayor of Middletown.  The food was catered by Two Women and a Kitchen and entertainment was provided  by the Diamond Jubilee women's choir. The Windamere facility was decorated with flowers and tablecloths in bright purple and gold representing the Slamka campaign colors.

Citizens from every neighborhood in Middletown attended. Elizabeth Slamka addressed the crowd and thanked them for their support and commitment to her campaign, 

Sunday, July 9, 2023 9:00 PM

Middletown’s 4th of July Parade

July 4, 2023, Middletown, Ohio - Today the citizens of Middletown, Ohio welcomed Elizabeth Slamka as she kicked off her campaign for Mayor!

Elizabeth was joined by her family and friends as they marched in the parade. Elizabeth gave out balloons to children along the route, two young ladies marched with the "Slamka for Mayor" banner, and the other team members gave the special Central Pastry Shop stickers to parade watchers celebrating the birth of this great nation.


Happy Birthday America! Let freedom ring! 

Read the story here in The Journal News.

Friday, July 7, 2023 9:46 AM

17 Strong Neighborhood Summit

June 23, 2023, Hamilton, Ohio - Today the 17 neighborhoods of Hamilton, Ohio gathered to hold their inaugural summit. The event was held at Miami Hamilton's campus.

Candidate for Mayor, Elizabeth Slamka, attended with a delegation from the City of Middletown's Coalition for a Healthy Middletown, and Middletown Connect sponsored by the Safety Council of Southwestern Ohio.



Seated left to right above: Executive Director Tracey Kocher of Visit Butler County, Elizabeth Slamka, County Commissioner Cindy Carpenter, Executive Director Wendy Waters-Connell of the YWCA, and Executive Director Linda Smith of Family Promise.



The City of Middletown Health Commissioner and representatives from Feed the Hungry, a Dream Center Project, were also in attendance.

Hamilton's decade long initiative to build, connect, and activate their communities demonstrated to the Middletown's community leaders that there is a way forward for diverse neighborhoods to connect and feel a shared sense of community.

Elizabeth Slamka said, "The sessions were rich with material and we are excited to bring back ideas to share with our neighborhoods in Middletown. The 17 Strong Neighborhood Summit was a worthwhile event."

Friday, July 7, 2023 12:30 AM

Seeking Solutions for the Unhoused

September 27, 2022, Vero Beach, Florida - Middletown resident Elizabeth Slamka in coordination with The Coalition for a Health Middletown organized county leaders in their efforts to find solutions for the unhoused. Read the story in The Journal News.

A group of officials from Butler County traveled to Vero Beach, Fla. recently to tour a Dignity Bus that houses the homeless and provides support services. Pictured here from left to right: Tony Zorbaugh, executive director of The Source; Cindy Carpenter, Butler County Commissioner; Jeffrey Diver, executive director of SELF; Gayle Drexler, program director at SELF; and Elizabeth Slamka, Middletown community volunteer.

Friends of  Elizabeth Slamka
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