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Middletown needs Elizabeth Slamka. After working with Elizabeth for almost two years, often several days a week, I know that Elizabeth is kind, wise, well educated, effective, very hard working (waking up for work sometimes at 3:45 am before starting the rest of her busy day in the community), a coalition and consensus builder,and always eager to learn and do whatever it takes to get a job done.  Elizabeth doesn’t like to make a big deal about her education and career. While she achieved two college degrees (at the same time), she knows that degreesawarded are no measure of wisdom, compassion, rationality, or the ability to work together to accomplish a goal. Going door to door, she has met so many people in Middletown with and without degrees who are  intelligent, knowledgeable, and who have great ideas and insight. She values and respects the knowledge and ideas everyone brings to the table. Elizabeth’s career is extensive. She was raised in her family's business, learning all that entails, from budgeting and finance, marketing and group-building, to training,managing, hiring, and how to engage the public.  She has been a high school Spanish teacher (and is fluent in the language), and was an Assistant Director of Admissions at a college in Philadelphia. She also participates in an international coalition of people working to improve lives in their home countries, and was invited to present her work to the group this spring. She has lived and worked abroad and has visited over 20 countries. Wherever she has gone, it has been with the intention of learning new ideas in order to bring them back and use them to improve life in her hometown. Back home, she has volunteered for over three decades in many local events and organizations, like Middfest International, Holiday Whopla, and the Board of Downtown Middletown, Inc. (DMI).  Most recently, she has been working hard on the issues affecting Middletown, beginning with a well-attended Town Hall in early 2022. Since then, we have spent hours studying issues, finding relevant research, looking to other cities for successful approaches, and identifying potential funding sources. In other words, she doesn’t complain; she buckles down and does the hard work to find solutions. What does Elizabeth know about city government? My husband has a Masters degree in Public Administration, and has worked in city government for almost 35 years as a Director of Planning and Community Development, an Assistant City Manager, and Village Administrator. He and I are impressed with how Elizabeth has reads and understand city budgets and financial reports; capital improvement planning and funding; comprehensive plans and how they can ensure the City accomplishes its goals; approaches to planning housing for all residents; as well as planning, zoning, and economic development. Moreover, she has already completed training in the Ohio Sunshine Law (the Ohio Public Records and OpenMeetings Act) and is ready to ensure that Middletown residents are aware of and can participate in the future of their own city. I know that she has the skills, dedication, and love for this town and its residents to bring out the best in Middletown and make it a city to be proud of, therefore, it is my great pleasure to endorse her candidacy for Mayor of Middletown, Ohio.  Jennifer Chen — Jennifer Chen

After reviewing the information that Elizabeth personally delivered to my house, I believe she is the best candidate for Mayor. I think she has the interests of the people of Middletown at the forefront, not the self serving interests of a few. — Betsy Hawkins

As Elizabeth's older sister, I have been fortunate to watch her grow and become a highly respected and active member of the community in our hometown. Her drive and endless passion for the City of Middletown is beyond admirable. Her energy and tenacity are astounding! She has been able to tirelessly balance working for our family business, Central Pastry Shop, and volunteering, sitting on committees, and making a difference in our community.

Her education and travels abroad have given her invaluable experience. Her ability to utilize her diverse roots, discernment, business savvy, intellect, humility, confidence, vision, compassion, and genuine heart, make her the perfect person to carry Middletown into the future. She possesses an innate sense of social responsibility and desires fair outcomes with a concern for everyone. She is equitable, reliable, meticulous, well spoken, organized, and has always been big on accountability. (She's held me accountable on a few occasions and has never shied away from her own - speaking as a sister.) She has worked behind the scenes in Middletown (I encourage you to look at her resume). She's Vera and John Slamka's daughter. As a family, we are proud of her and stand behind her! She has taken her time learning and now it is her time to implement her knowledge. I have no doubt that she will be a light for Middletown as the Mayor!

— Monica Polo-Slamka

Elizabeth has a deep love for and faith in Middletown. She sees the potential in all and is a wonderful collaborator. I believe she can help steer Middletown toward a willingness to foster cooperation and collaboration. She is running because she cares about our City. Elizabeth understands the concept of servant leadership (remember when elected officials were called public servants? That's Elizabeth) — Sylvia McIntosh

Elizabeth is a rare combination of competency, confidence grounded in real-life experience, willingness to listen, learn, and grow, a compassionate heart, and a natural leader. — Nathan Rehm

Elizabeth is a caring person with a heart for middletown and its people — Deb Wells
Kenny Campbell
Steven Swank

Friends of  Elizabeth Slamka
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